Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bits & Pieces

There is a baby under there, we play hide and seek every day, Davis loves pulling his blankets over his head and "hiding" from Mommy.

Davis 1, Maizy 0. Davis has decided to take over the dog's bed, you can see how thrilled she is here as Davis smiles happily from his new piece of baby furniture. It is clean people, Maizy has another bed and I cleaned her old one up in hopes she would have something comfy to snooze on in the family room, well Davis saw it and decided he would take it over instead

Our new $25 Ikea highchair!! We love it, way better than the super hard to clean, $150 piece of crap. The Ikea highchair fit in our bathtub yesterday so I could hose it down, what a great feeling that was!! No more picking food out of the crevices and thick padding of the old chair.

Davis loves his new highchair too, it is evident here as he chows on some of my egg-free, whole wheat, banana pancakes

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