Many of you know that I am going to be cloth diapering Davis, but what I do not understand is the negativity I receive from un-informed morons when I tell them I am cloth diapering. It is as if they cannot wait for me to fail. They love to tell me how horrible it will make my life, since they tried it (not) and know so much on the subject. Please give me one good reason not to cloth diaper and I won't do it, I'll go waste money on disposables and destroy the environment (and eeeewwwww poop is gross is not a good reason). Believe it or not that is the statement I most hear from people, that poop is gross. Well if you haven't figured it out yet, poop is poop, pee is pee, whether it is on a cloth diaper or a disposable diaper, the only difference is you wash a cloth diaper and reuse it, you toss a disposable into the trash. If people just did research for about 15 minutes on cloth diapering they would probably change their minds or at least not be so negative towards me about it. I do not want to hear about the horrible experience you had with the chinsey Gerber brand prefolds that are sold at major stores like Target and Babies R'Us, there is no comparison between those and what is actually avaiable. The cloth diapers, covers and accessories available are amazing, trust me, cloth diapering these days is nothing like what our mothers or grandmothers had. Look at these websites and you will see what I mean:
I'm going to close my post with saying that I am not running around with negativity towards those that choose to use disposable diapers, it is not really my business and I really don't care, it is your choice, not mine. That being said I still don't get the negativity I receive when I tell someone for the first time I'm cloth diapering. It is to bad people are so mis-informed. Out of the probably 100 people I've told I'm cloth diapering I've received a negative comment from 80 of them. Sad.
One more comment, I never said I would survive cloth diapering, I may totally fail and hate it, but how will I ever know if I don't TRY!
Frankly you are doing a great thing for cloth diapering your child and I sincerely believe that it will turn out great for you. I, for one, am very interested to see how this works. I will want to do this once we have kids. You're right - poop is poop and pee is pee. It has to be dealt with whether it's a cloth or disposabled. People sure like to give their negative opinions whenever possible. You are doing your part for our environment. Screw what they say!
Jill, check out this blog when you get a chance:
She switched to cloth diapers with her third child and she loves it so much she created another blog about it! Which can be found here:
Just think about how good it will feel to prove them wrong!
Don't know how I found your blog, I was on my cousin Amy's and got sidetracked... But I just want to say, good for you! I disposabled 3 kids and now I'm planning to cloth #4. And I've gotten probably 95% negative feedback when people find out I'm switching to cloth. I just wish I would have thought of this 3 kids ago - look at the money we would have saved! Another good website is - I've ordered several items from her. Good luck!
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