Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Not Only is My Belly the Size of Texas

I also can barely get out of a chair on my own, I walk in this old lady sort of shuffle (i need a walker), I feel disgusting, un-attractive, I'm outgrowing my maternity clothes, I've resorted to wearing my husbands sweatshirts and I now I have a sinus infection.

Can I take a pill so the next 6 weeks fly by and when I wake up my baby will be in my arms?

On the upside of things after my doctor appointment today (where it was determined I had a sinus infection), I came home because I didn't get out of there until nearly 3 p.m. and watched the season finale of the Housewives of OC (it is a good one!) and the season opener of the Housewives of NYC. I love those housewives! They made me feel slightly better.

1 comment:

Jene said...

I love those shows, too! How annoying are Alex and Simon?!?! I just want to freaking throttle them!

Can't wait for next week's OC reunion!