I still believe that women who are induced have a much greater risk of having a c-section than those who are not, I personally know several women that are close to me that have been induced and ended up with a c-section. One of them is totally convinced the reason she had a c-section is because she accepted the induction and now regrets ever doing it, her doctor gave her a choice between having one and not. She wasn't even past her due date and had no problems to actually give a good reason to be induced. Makes me wonder why the OB offered it, probably for her own convenience which is sad in itself.
BUT, now that I'm inching closer to my due date and realizing the amount of discomfort I am in right now I am really trying to think what I would do if I was say 39 or 40 weeks right now and offered an induction. It would be very tempting to me. If the doctor says you gotta be induced then well I really wouldn't have a choice, but if she said well I can induce you but the choice is entirely up to you I hope I can stay strong and tough it out until I go into labor on my own or am forced to do none other than be induced.
I try not to think about these choices so much because I don't want to set myself up for disappointment if my birth doesn't go they way I think it should. I'd love to go into labor on my own, not have to have an epidural and deliver naturally. And we all know how plans can take a 360 degree turn so that is why I'm going into all of it with the whatever happens attitude. If I do end up being induced, so be it, if I end up with a c-section so be it, if I cave in and take the drugs so be it. I'm sure once I have Davis in my arms I won't even care how he got out. Heck, the drugs are probably fun. In fact I'm sure if I take them the entire labor & delivery floor will be quite entertained by me for a while.
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