I have some complaints to discuss.
Complaint #1
Insurance companies can suck it. My insurance company requires a pre-authorization every single time I need to get an acne medication filled at the pharmacy. Why? Because people over 30 do not get acne according to them. But the good news is if your husband needs to get it up, Viagra and Cialas are covered, no questions asked.
Complaint #2
The new siding being installed on the house. I know we needed it and we wanted it, but seriously, I'm sick of it. I'm sick of having to have the blinds pulled because my crazy dog doesn't know how to not bark. I'm sick of them waking the baby up and I'm sick of having to pack him up every day and take him to my mom's house.
Complaint #3
The infant carrier. Honestly, who invented these contraptions??? They do their job, protecting the baby and what not. But I had to haul the thing in and out of the Jeep 6 times yesterday and I think my back is out. That thing weighs nearly 30 lbs. with Davis in it. I try just leaving it in the car and putting him in it while it is in the base, but the way the seat is designed it is hard to do. I'm so ready for a convertible. I'm just waiting until 8/21 which is when my 15% off Babies R'Us coupon goes into effect. Somedays I wish I'd have just skipped the infant seat all together and gone straight to the convertible (most are for infants).
Complaint #4
We have spent nearly $300 on disposable diapers already and Davis is only 5 months old. I am thinking about trying cloth again, but this time it will be the BumGenius All In Ones. Of course this is a big MIGHT try again. We will see. But the cost of disposables makes me ill.
Complaint #5
Softball. I'm so ready for my husband to be done playing softball for the summer. It is nice to get rid of him for the day sometimes, but sometimes I need him here so I can get a baby break. I also had a laundry list of minor things that just need to be finished around this house, did any of them get done this summer?? Nope! Guess why?? A bunch of 30 year olds trying to relive their high school glory days through softball is why! I like that Jeff has a hobby, but playing 3 times a week, plus most weekends is a little much. I don't recall him playing this much pre-baby, I swear he just doesn't want to be here sometimes.