Thursday, November 27, 2008

22 Week Baby Bump!!

I haven't posted a baby bump picture since 17 weeks!!! I'm such a slacker. I promise to be better about this and at least post a new one every 2 weeks from now on.

I'm loving my designer matenity jeans, they don't even look like maternity jeans, do they???? I paid $115 for them at Mimi, but they were worth it. I ended up having them hemmed because I'm short and I swear every single pair of maternity jeans are meant for someone 5 inches taller than me.

1 comment:

Jen and Justin said...

NOW you look pregnant to me! Happy Turkey Day & my guess is you are having a BOY! hmmmm i wonder if i'm right.

ok, now please send the good vibes our way because this has not been nearly as easy to do for us as it apparently was for you guys! hello, i think you just THOUGHT about getting prego and you did, ha!