Tuesday, November 9, 2010

6 Months of Zoosdays

It is always amazing to see what changes over time. 

When you see someone a lot you don't notice changes, but when you go back and look at pictures or an old blog post, it hits you just how much children change over a few months.

Back in the Spring my good mommy friend, Jen and I decided we needed to put our zoo memberships to good use, we were hauling our butts and our baby's butts to the zoo every single week on Tuesdays, weather permitting. We may not have made it every single week due to travel schedules and the ridiculous heat wave we had in Ohio this summer and it may not have always been on Tuesday, but we made it there, A LOT!!  I would have to say we both got good use out of our memberships.  They paid for themselves 10 times over, I'm sure. 

I noticed that we were going to have some wonderful spring like weather this week so I asked Jen if she'd like to get a zoosday in.  It was a gorgeous day, the zoo was not crowded (i think there were 20 cars in the parking lot), the animals were very playful, it was a great day.  Best of all we were there for nearly 4 hours and our kids were angels the entire time, much like our first trip to the zoo.  Please check out Jen's blog post to see photos from our very first zoo trip with the kids, really, look, so you can see how much these two have changed.  Here it is.  I would have posted my own photos in this post, but then I remembered I had left my camera in the car that day.  Davis was 13.5 months old and Stella was 8.5 months old when we went on our first zoosday.  Davis was still taking a bottle and Stella wasn't even crawling yet.  My how things have changed.  Stella is now a mover and a groover just like her friend Davis and they had so much fun exploring the empty zoo today. Today Davis is about 19.5 months old and Stella is about 14.5 months old.  Now onto the pictures.

Siku, the baby polar bear born January 2010, our first zoo trip was the first day he was in the habitat for viewing, he got big too!!!

Mama bear, don't know her name, but check out the shot I captured!  Proof I need a Canon Rebel DSLR (hint, hint Jeff)

Infatuated by the bears

Diggin' his Uggs (yes, Davis has real Uggs people) and I know he is a boy, but come on, they are 100% cuteness

Hi Mommy!!  Peek A Boo

They loved playing on the Lion sculptures

Do we have the most fashionable kids on the block or what? 

Nice Lion

They were also obsessed with the crap they found in that hole in the ground, more so than the Lions I think. 

Trying to get "behind the scenes"

Good Bye Lions, see you next time

Good Bye Lions, see you next time

What a perfect day with great friends!!  This was possibly our last trip to the zoo, except for the Lights Before Christmas, until the springtime, unless we get an unusual warm winter day, which does happen.  What an amazing ending to a season of Zoosdays!  Looking forward to next season!


Jen and Justin said...

I love this post SO MUCH! thank you for writing such a special one and including all the details on Stella & Davis. I'm now going to post a zoo post and simply embed a link to this one your wrote, hee hee! Peter and JoAnne will dig it for sure. but i will have to be very clear how they are to click on the words "Here it is" in your post and CLICK HERE on my post so they don't miss any of this!

look at Davis' face - it's a baby face and not so much anymore!

Jene said...

Oh my god! Davis looks like such a little kid! I've been away from the boards too long, I should come back and visit. He's too freaking cute.