Wednesday, August 6, 2008

78% of Pregnant Women Suffer from Insomnia

I had no idea that 78% of pregnant women suffer from insomnia and of course I would happen to fall into that percentage. I feel as though I'm stuck in my own sleepless/pregnant hell. Now I know that it will probably get worse as the pregnancy goes on and triple as bad after the baby is born. If I could only have a vodka tonic to help me sleep.

I woke up two days ago looking as if I had been on a month long meth binge. My left eye was very puffy, I had a new wrinkle under it and both my eyes were bloodshot. I was the face of complete hotness.

This is yet another thing they do not teach you in sex ed.

1 comment:

Angi said...

I'm sorry but I totally LOL'ed at your month long meth binge.

Hope you get some well rested sleep soon!