What I Miss
1. Office gossip - oh boy did we have some gossip flying around the old office
2. Adult conversation
3. Drinking coffee at my desk every morning
4. Money!!! $$$$
5. Stinky old farmers and construction guys
6. Toothless truck drivers
7. Foreigners
8. Traveling
9. The girls
10. Peter, my boss
What I Don't Miss
1. Deadlines
2. The idiots on the phone, especially the callers during the Florida auction
3. Foreigners (sorry if you are foreign and you read my blog)
4. Stinky old farmers and construction guys
5. Toothless truck drivers
6. Traveling
7. Rush hour traffic
Do you like how the toothless truck drivers, stinky old farmers and construction guys, traveling and foreigners made both lists?? It was a love/hate relationship with all three.