Since I blogged about the Golden Showers we had 3 days in a row of them.
Thanks Davis!!!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Golden Showers
Jeff and I have been peed on numerous times by Davis since he was born, but last night was exceptionally funny. We give Davis his bath together, I get the water in the tub nice and warm and Jeff gets Davis' clothes off. Jeff discovered months ago that Davis loves being nakey (most babies do) so he allows Davis to crawl all over nakey for several minutes before the bath. I've been warning Jeff that Davis is going to pee on something nice one of these days, like the carpet or the bed. Last night was the night, Jeff gets Davis undressed, lets him roll around on the bed nakey and what does Davis do? Yep, he peed, his pee stream was so long he first peed about 2 feet straight up into the air all over Jeff's arm and shirt, then he stopped for a second, I came in and Davis started up again, peeing on my hand and then all over the comforter on the bed. So, I get to make a trip to the laundromat this week with the comforter as it is way too big to fit into our washer, just what I want to do. I should make Jeff go. Needless to say it was quite the evening. When Davis was done he laughed as if he knew what he did. The little shit.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Weekly Memo to Davis
I'm stealing this idea from a fellow blogging mommy friend of mine.
To: Davis
From: Mommy
I realize that your new found freedom has brought you great fun and while I'm enjoying burning off extra calories by chasing you for the majority of the day, you need to stop playing with non-toys. Non-toys are listed below in no particular order:
1. Electrical cords
2. The air purifier
3. The DVD player
4. The DVDs
5. The barstools at the kitchen island
6. The dog's tail
7. The dog's toys
8. Mommy and Daddy's books
Your toys are contained in a basket, which you dumped over earlier today, spreading the joy of all yourthousands many toys all over the living room floor. Yet you still tried to eat the electrical cords, take all the DVDs out of the cabinet, chew on the dog's tail, tip over the barstools, climb the air purifier, eat the dog's toys and take our books despite the fact you have many safe wonderful baby toys.
To: Davis
From: Mommy
I realize that your new found freedom has brought you great fun and while I'm enjoying burning off extra calories by chasing you for the majority of the day, you need to stop playing with non-toys. Non-toys are listed below in no particular order:
1. Electrical cords
2. The air purifier
3. The DVD player
4. The DVDs
5. The barstools at the kitchen island
6. The dog's tail
7. The dog's toys
8. Mommy and Daddy's books
Your toys are contained in a basket, which you dumped over earlier today, spreading the joy of all your
Friday, November 20, 2009
8 Months Today!!!
Sheesh!!! Stop growing up so fast Davis, your going to make mommy want another baby so she can suck up the newborn stage again.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Here Are a Few of My Favorite Things
Davis is now pushing 8 months old so I thought I'd do a post of my favorite items that I think are worth every cent.
1. Dr. Browns wide neck bottles. Dr. Browns bottles are, in my opinion, the best. They do a great job to prevent gas and bubbles, they are BPA free and I love the fact that the 8 oz bottles are shorter when you go with the wide neck version, if you go standard they are awkwardly tall. Skip the 4 oz bottles and go straight for the 8 oz if you are a mommy to be, no matter which brand you choose. 4 oz bottles are a waste you don't use them long and bottles are not cheap.
2. Graco Snugrider stroller frame. This is awesome for those early days, the frame is small, lightweight and you can be ready to rock n' roll in a few seconds. I used this all the time instead of carrying that heavy seat in and out of doctor appointments, etc...
3. Bugaboo Frog Multi Terrain Stroller. What isn't to love about this stroller, it has an awesome bassinet attachment for newborns, you can buy attachments that fit multiple brands of infant seats so you can snap your infant seat in and go and the regular seat has 3 great positions for the baby once he or she outgrows the bassinet feature. I use this stroller at least once a day, sometimes twice. But is it worth theinsane out of control only a celebrity should buy this price tag? That is questionable, had I not got a sweet deal, I'd have probably never purchased it. Don't get me wrong, this stroller is very nice, rides very well and heck, I look pretty cool pushing it and it is the celebrity stroller of choice (haha). But if you look up the price you'll probably crap yourself. I purchased it before Bugaboo jacked their prices up, I purchased it from a store offering 10% off, I used a gift card and proceeds from selling my cloth diapers to pay for the majority of it so I paid less for this than I'd have paid for a Graco travel system stroller. If I hadn't gotten a great price I'd have bought one of these, either a BOB Revolution or a Baby Jogger City Mini or City Select. All awesome strollers and handle just as nicely as a Bugaboo!!
4. Combi EX Lightweight Stroller. Everyone needs a lightweight stroller, we use this often as well, it is great when your out for a quick trip or feeling a little too lazy to deal with the big stroller. The thing that I love about this stroller is unlike many umbrella or lightweight strollers this one reclines, most people wouldn't thing that is such a big deal, but trust me, it is. If you are out and baby falls asleep it is nice to recline it a bit to make him or her more comfortable.
5. Britax Roundabout Convertible Car Seat. Easy to use, one of the best (if not THE best) brand of convertible car seats available. Graco is known for their awesome infant seats and Britax is known for their awesome convertible car seats.
6. Carter's clothing. Out of all the more affordable brands I've tried I think Carter's makes the best baby clothing for the price. They wash up well, they wear well and heck they are really darn cute!!!
7. Pampers Diapers. We started out with the Swaddlers, once Davis outgrew those (the biggest they make is size 2-3) we graduated to the Cruisers. While I do love the Cruisers, I have found that the less expensive Pampers Baby Dry hold pee much better than the slightly more expensive Cruisers.
8. Carters Velour Fitted Crib Sheets. Love, love, love these!! I have several different types of sheets and we like these best. They are super soft, very comfy and Davis loves them.
9. Evenflo Exersaucer. I did not register for one of these, I thought they were ridiculous with a capital R. My mother in law bought one for us and honestly, everyone needs one. What was I thinking?? This thing is a lifesaver, Davis has used it since he was 4 months old and still loves it 4 months later. It is especially awesome now that he moves around so much, I can stick him in his exersaucer, he plays with all the toys and I can clean my house without having to monitor him constantly. Tip: buy it used, I see these all the time at Once Upon a Child for half or less than half of the cost of a new one and usually they are in excellent condition. Just take it home and scrub it down with a little bleach water and your golden.
10. Fisher Price Jumperoo. I didn't even know these existed until after I had Davis. He loved this, we started using it around 4 months and he stopped using it around 7 months. He got bored with it, but it was great while he loved it. I bought this used, at a garage sale for $25. I told my mom on a Tuesday I wanted her to find me one and she had one for me 2 days later. She is the queen of garage saleing. This is another item I'd buy used again, they retail for around $80-$100 new and not worth it in my opinion for something that is going to get maybe 4-5 months of use.
11. Graco Pack n' Play with Bassinet Feature. We still use the Pack n' Play every single day. Davis slept in the bassinet from birth through 3 months, then we transitioned to his crib. I have this set up in our family room and I put him in it all the time to keep him out of things when I have to run to the door, go potty, throw a load of laundry in the washing machine, etc...
12. Costco Kirkland Brand Baby Formula. Davis likes it, it is just as good as Similac and costs half the price. What isn't to love??
13. Beech Nut Baby Food. Gerber sucks, Earth's Best is well the best but super pricey, Beech Nut falls in the middle and Davis likes it a lot. Sometimes I buy Gerber and he will flat out refuse anything made by the company. I've tasted them all and I like Beech Nut the best.
14. Primo EuroBath. This was our 3rd tub for Davis and the 3rd time is a charm. This thing is nothing but awesome. I will say that I liked the First Years Infant to Toddler for the newborn stage only because of the sling, once it got to the point where he couldn't be in the sling, the tub sucked. Now I know why Once Upon a Child has a bunch of them in the store, everyone hates them!
1. Dr. Browns wide neck bottles. Dr. Browns bottles are, in my opinion, the best. They do a great job to prevent gas and bubbles, they are BPA free and I love the fact that the 8 oz bottles are shorter when you go with the wide neck version, if you go standard they are awkwardly tall. Skip the 4 oz bottles and go straight for the 8 oz if you are a mommy to be, no matter which brand you choose. 4 oz bottles are a waste you don't use them long and bottles are not cheap.
2. Graco Snugrider stroller frame. This is awesome for those early days, the frame is small, lightweight and you can be ready to rock n' roll in a few seconds. I used this all the time instead of carrying that heavy seat in and out of doctor appointments, etc...
3. Bugaboo Frog Multi Terrain Stroller. What isn't to love about this stroller, it has an awesome bassinet attachment for newborns, you can buy attachments that fit multiple brands of infant seats so you can snap your infant seat in and go and the regular seat has 3 great positions for the baby once he or she outgrows the bassinet feature. I use this stroller at least once a day, sometimes twice. But is it worth the
4. Combi EX Lightweight Stroller. Everyone needs a lightweight stroller, we use this often as well, it is great when your out for a quick trip or feeling a little too lazy to deal with the big stroller. The thing that I love about this stroller is unlike many umbrella or lightweight strollers this one reclines, most people wouldn't thing that is such a big deal, but trust me, it is. If you are out and baby falls asleep it is nice to recline it a bit to make him or her more comfortable.
5. Britax Roundabout Convertible Car Seat. Easy to use, one of the best (if not THE best) brand of convertible car seats available. Graco is known for their awesome infant seats and Britax is known for their awesome convertible car seats.
6. Carter's clothing. Out of all the more affordable brands I've tried I think Carter's makes the best baby clothing for the price. They wash up well, they wear well and heck they are really darn cute!!!
7. Pampers Diapers. We started out with the Swaddlers, once Davis outgrew those (the biggest they make is size 2-3) we graduated to the Cruisers. While I do love the Cruisers, I have found that the less expensive Pampers Baby Dry hold pee much better than the slightly more expensive Cruisers.
8. Carters Velour Fitted Crib Sheets. Love, love, love these!! I have several different types of sheets and we like these best. They are super soft, very comfy and Davis loves them.
9. Evenflo Exersaucer. I did not register for one of these, I thought they were ridiculous with a capital R. My mother in law bought one for us and honestly, everyone needs one. What was I thinking?? This thing is a lifesaver, Davis has used it since he was 4 months old and still loves it 4 months later. It is especially awesome now that he moves around so much, I can stick him in his exersaucer, he plays with all the toys and I can clean my house without having to monitor him constantly. Tip: buy it used, I see these all the time at Once Upon a Child for half or less than half of the cost of a new one and usually they are in excellent condition. Just take it home and scrub it down with a little bleach water and your golden.
10. Fisher Price Jumperoo. I didn't even know these existed until after I had Davis. He loved this, we started using it around 4 months and he stopped using it around 7 months. He got bored with it, but it was great while he loved it. I bought this used, at a garage sale for $25. I told my mom on a Tuesday I wanted her to find me one and she had one for me 2 days later. She is the queen of garage saleing. This is another item I'd buy used again, they retail for around $80-$100 new and not worth it in my opinion for something that is going to get maybe 4-5 months of use.
11. Graco Pack n' Play with Bassinet Feature. We still use the Pack n' Play every single day. Davis slept in the bassinet from birth through 3 months, then we transitioned to his crib. I have this set up in our family room and I put him in it all the time to keep him out of things when I have to run to the door, go potty, throw a load of laundry in the washing machine, etc...
12. Costco Kirkland Brand Baby Formula. Davis likes it, it is just as good as Similac and costs half the price. What isn't to love??
13. Beech Nut Baby Food. Gerber sucks, Earth's Best is well the best but super pricey, Beech Nut falls in the middle and Davis likes it a lot. Sometimes I buy Gerber and he will flat out refuse anything made by the company. I've tasted them all and I like Beech Nut the best.
14. Primo EuroBath. This was our 3rd tub for Davis and the 3rd time is a charm. This thing is nothing but awesome. I will say that I liked the First Years Infant to Toddler for the newborn stage only because of the sling, once it got to the point where he couldn't be in the sling, the tub sucked. Now I know why Once Upon a Child has a bunch of them in the store, everyone hates them!
I'm Caving
Remember this post from July??
Well, I'm pretty sure I'm going to own a pair before December. I tried a pair on today and really, they are not that bad. I would wear them with boots of course. I also think I might finally cave and buy skinny jeans too, but again I'd wear them with my boots.
It is sad how they put this stuff out there, you hate it, you try so hard to resist it and then you end up caving in to fashion. Bastards!
Well, I'm pretty sure I'm going to own a pair before December. I tried a pair on today and really, they are not that bad. I would wear them with boots of course. I also think I might finally cave and buy skinny jeans too, but again I'd wear them with my boots.
It is sad how they put this stuff out there, you hate it, you try so hard to resist it and then you end up caving in to fashion. Bastards!
One Year Ago Today
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Lots of Updates
So many Davis updates!!
1. Last Friday (Friday the 13th to be exact), he finally started really crawling, no more one or two little crawls, he decided to just go for it
2. Last Saturday afternoon (a day and a half after crawling) he started pulling himself up to a standing position on pretty much anything he can find
3. He still only has 7 teeth
4. I've estimated his weight to be around 18 lbs or so, his 9 month check up is a few days before Christmas and I can't wait to find out his height and weight
5. He eats solid foods like a champ for breakfast, lunch and dinner
6. He is down to 3-4, 8 oz bottles per day
7. He has started sippy cup training, although I don't think he has it figured out quite yet, the joy in his eyes when I give him the cup is priceless though, sadly I think he just assumes it is a toy
8. He really discovered the dog last week, he noticed her before but wasn't that into her, now that he can crawl he is obsessesed with her and his favorite activity is chewing on her tail (YUCK!)
Because of #1 and #2 my life when Davis is not napping has become quite interesting, I spend my free time chasing him, telling him no, taking him away from things he shouldn't be into, you get the idea.
1. Last Friday (Friday the 13th to be exact), he finally started really crawling, no more one or two little crawls, he decided to just go for it
2. Last Saturday afternoon (a day and a half after crawling) he started pulling himself up to a standing position on pretty much anything he can find
3. He still only has 7 teeth
4. I've estimated his weight to be around 18 lbs or so, his 9 month check up is a few days before Christmas and I can't wait to find out his height and weight
5. He eats solid foods like a champ for breakfast, lunch and dinner
6. He is down to 3-4, 8 oz bottles per day
7. He has started sippy cup training, although I don't think he has it figured out quite yet, the joy in his eyes when I give him the cup is priceless though, sadly I think he just assumes it is a toy
8. He really discovered the dog last week, he noticed her before but wasn't that into her, now that he can crawl he is obsessesed with her and his favorite activity is chewing on her tail (YUCK!)
Because of #1 and #2 my life when Davis is not napping has become quite interesting, I spend my free time chasing him, telling him no, taking him away from things he shouldn't be into, you get the idea.
Look For My List!!!
I'm going to make a list of all the baby stuff I love and cherish the most!! It will be posted in a few days.
I Have a Prize to Win
My husband knows how sad I am that I really haven't lost much weight since Davis was born. I weighed 173 lbs. the day my water broke, lost 20 lbs. 3 days after Davis was born, I lost another 8 lbs. on my own after that and have managed to lose even a few more, but gained it all back. I just can't seem to get on track with eating healthier and working out. I used to work out almost every single day before Davis was born, heck I was at the gym every single morning at 5:30 a.m. until I was 28 weeks pregnant. I started having sciatica issues and pretty much couldn't walk, let alone go to a gym. So last night he enticed me with something I've been dying to have since before we got married. You see my engagement ring was a custom design and so was my wedding band. I really, really wanted two wedding bands, one for the top and one for the bottom but with all the wedding expenses it was just a splurge we couldn't afford and my rings are gorgeous with just the one band anyways. But last night he told me that as soon as I reached my goal he'd buy me that second band!!!! My ultimate goal is to weigh less than 125 lbs, but my realistic goal is to just get under 130 lbs.
I'm giving myself until Davis' 1st Birthday to get there. If I don't get this baby weight off by then, I'm commiting myself.
I'm giving myself until Davis' 1st Birthday to get there. If I don't get this baby weight off by then, I'm commiting myself.
Friday, November 6, 2009
I'm Not The Crazy Cat Lady
I'm the crazy baby food jar lady. I'm obsessed with saving them, why?? You never know what you can do with a baby food jar. You can store buttons, nails, screws, etc... in them. But my big plan for them is to someday use them for a baby shower. How adorable would it be to make them all cute, put some candy in them and give them away as a favor???
Jodi - times a wastin'
Jodi - times a wastin'
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Davis Celebrates His First Halloween!!!
Davis' First Playdate!!
My friend Angi brought her little man over to meet Davis. Brendan was born on April 20, 2009, one month exactly after Davis. As you can see from the pictures, Davis is well, ummmm, kinda big for his age. I took the pictures at the end of the visit which is why Davis looks mad, he was tired and getting cranky.

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